Listen I am not here to pretend that life is easy or perfect, as a matter of fact I want to share with you how difficult it has been for me. I know my writings may suggest that I have it all together and that is because deep down I truly believe in the saying that we become what we attract and that we should demonstrate what we want to see in the world. With that said I hope you understand that when I encourage you to the point of sometimes sounding ridiculous it is because of that stance; that the energy we seek is what we should give.
I have been on this earth long enough (praise God for His kindness) to have experienced a few things, one of which is that we truly have no control and the control includes what man can do to us. We truly don’t; and so if we do not have control what are we to do?
- Talk about it incessantly to the point of others now labelling us as “too gloomy”?
- Do we wish we never existed and accommodate, quite possibly, thoughts of suicide?
- Project our feelings via anger on to others?
…can you come up with a few of your own?
Understand that being out of control is not a bad thing, actually what it does is enable us to spin things and refocus on what we have in front of us. One of which is that we are alive and if we are alive then we can become bigger than the situation. We will remember that there is a higher power within us that gives us the ability to exist in the most adverse condition and rise unscathed.
Remember the 3 Hebrew boys, if you don’t know the story read about it here. Now, if there is a story where God (our higher power) shows up for us this is it. Do you trust Him to show up in your life as He did for these boys. In Hebrews 13:8 (KJV) it says Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. And so that simply means, what He did in the past He will do today. If you place your trust in Him.
So, yes, I know it is not our nature to naturally trust. Our first inclination is welcome worry. That has been my experience, but, with wisdom I have made a commitment to remember to trust, as a matter of fact in situations that I find challenging I have asked the Holy Spirit to intervene and this has changed me. Perhaps you could try that. Wisdom has also shown me that life will never be uneventful but the fact that I have been through “stuff” and am still standing means that I will get through whatever I am faced with today and so will you.
So why waste time dwelling on the things we have no control over, why not instead maximize the now through the following:
- Live daily in gratitude
- Commune with God’s spirit within you – the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
- Spend quality NOT quantity time with family and that means being 100% present
- Wherever life finds you be the very best and expect God to to do the rest
- Be positive and hopeful while living expectantly for the best to manifest in your life – remember the energy you expect, you must give
- Be at peace, avoid quarrels
- Be love. Be the light for others.
Like I said, I do understand that sometimes what we are faced with gets the better of us, but I would love all of God’s people to remember that we have more within us than we give ourselves credit. Taking control involves first, trusting God and second trusting that we are well equipped to rise above life’s adversities and to stand triumphantly speaking out against everything that would point to otherwise.
The battle was won a long time ago, we are giving into something that does not exist. When we give in, BY FEELING DEJECTED we are making it out to be something when in fact it is nothing. Know that God is within you, And STAND FIRM KNOWING THAT YOU WILL STAND FIRM. Stand firm in the truth of who you are. You are a child of God. He is your Father and He will take care of you.
When you dont know what to do, TRUST GOD TO TAKE YOU THROUGH.
Amazing Love & Light.
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