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Allowing God To Work Through Us

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Ephesians 3:20

Recently I have been having major differences with my 10 year old because of how we perceive situations. If we are watching television and I see an opportunity to impart knowledge and a bit of take-away that should benefit her; she says to me with exasperation “does everything have to be a teachable moment, can’t I just enjoy the show?” You did hear me say she was 10? Now back in the day I would not dare verbalize those words even if I was thinking them.

I concede, she may be right, everything does not have to be a learning moment. I realize that most times (at this age – I hope) they go through changes emotionally. It is a period where as hard as we try, we will be challenged to get through to them.

As a mother, this stage is somewhat scary for me. The consensus among our tweens (after talking with other parents) is that they want to learn and grow by themselves. As parents we know this stance may hinder them. After-all, it is an important period in their lives that can later break or make them. They need the guidance that they easily reject to help position them for all the great things that’s waiting to happen for them. However, we can only help them as much as they allow us to.

I think about God our Father and us in the same way. In Ephesians 3:20, He tells us that He can do so much more for us, more then we could imagine and believe, and that is true. He is the creator of the universe – keep that in mind. But there is an obvious rule that follows – if I can put it that way; He can only do as much as we allow HIM to. Not to say it is impossible for Him, but just to show that we have a part to play.

My thought return to my daughter; there is so much I can teach her about life, and I am more than qualified and capable. The thing is I can talk until tomorrow but if she chooses to not listen or chooses to not believe then I cannot help now can I?

So it is with God, but it involves a bit more, it involves our faith walk, our trust in Him, and how we see Him. Are we putting Him in a box? Are we placing limits on Him? How about doubting when things do not happen in our time. Do we give up easily and allow the enemy access to our mind based on the thoughts we are entertaining? It is easy to default to the above mindsets and when we do God cannot work in us.

So How Do We Allow God To Work With Us?

It Is Simple – Make a Decision To:

  • Believe that He can.
  • Really understand who God is to you and who you are to Him.
  • Meditate on His Word throughout the day.
  • Have faith.
  • Envision greatness for your life.
  • Believe that even in the midst of trials God still has a good plan for you.
  • Submit To Him & Resist the devil.
  • Live In Gratitude Daily.
  • Be of Service To others.

The above list is not exhaustive, there are many other ways that can be added. Ultimately, understand how Great God Is and that He wants the best outcome for your life always. Keep in mind that your actions will facilitate HIS greatness in your life. I believe when you start there you open your life to miracles. Essentially you allow yourself to be renewed and begin to understand the following passage of scripture found in Psalms 118.

Pushed to the wall, I called to God; from the wide open spaces, he answered. God’s now at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me? God’s my strong champion; I flick off my enemies like flies. Far better to take refuge in God than trust in people; Far better to take refuge in God than trust in celebrities.


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