The Game-changer “It makes no sense knowing what we want and yet refuse to make the move that will start our real journey”.
– Jacqueline Johnson
What do you want to do with your life? Such a big question needs answering. And once we consciously answer this question and make the decisions that will support us in moving in the direction of our dreams, our lives will become more meaningful and purposeful.
Unfortunately, those of us who are unable to answer become stuck in life because of our inability to see beyond what is in front of us. We have great ideas and goals that are sometimes sidetracked by life’s nuances. We find ourselves unwilling to stretch beyond our comforts and make the big sacrifices needed to get the desires of our hearts. Know that getting all that we desire is not an easy feat; they must be worked for. Accomplishing our life’s goals requires focus and good decision-making skills. It cannot be about the “get rich quick” mentality, which can be a “driver” when making life decisions.
I recall a statement by the late Myles Munroe in which he suggested that consequences are more important than decisions. An “aha” moment for me as we are taught to do the reverse of the statement. Decide now and live with the consequence later —isn’t that what we know?
What if we started doing the reverse by taking the time to assess the consequences before we make the decisions? A hard one that goes against our nature, as most of us are not planners. I believe that his statement could be a game-changer for some of us, and if you are like me and tend to be an emotional thinker …don’t judge me, it could be the needed game-changer in your life.
What if we projected ourselves into the future of every major move/decision and tried to assess the consequences, could it help make our lives a bit more productive, purposeful and meaningful? Could doing this contribute to us finally accomplishing more of what we want to do with our lives? Something to think about.
Answering what we want to do with our lives is a significant decisions we will make. It requires visualization and projection into the future. Creating a must-have plan and blueprint allows us to see each step we must take along the way. It requires us to assess our consequences before we make each decision.
Are you willing to try?
There is no 60-day money-back guarantee attached to this suggestion; however, it is a chance for us to do something different from what we have been doing. A needed game-changer perhaps, that may help us make better decisions and get us closer to the life we dream of and doing the things that will take us closer to the goal we have for our lives.
It’s worth a try!
Listen to our conversations where we discuss the matter of Self-Care on our SISTER CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE