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Let’s Talk: Are You Losing Yourself?

The question is – do you know yourself? Have you ever taken time to sit down and have a chat with yourself…? Sounds crazy? Perhaps, but it is a serious crazy.

We all have a similar goal of becoming who we feel we should be, but another question is – are we being practical about the things we want in life or are we looking to someone else and wishing to be like them? Do we face the realities of who we are and what we will likely achieve in life with a bit more effort?

Now I hear someone saying we can be anything we want to be and of course I wholeheartedly agree but…. I believe sometimes we are wishing to be someone else. What we need to understand is that we are all made unique with our own values, our opinions, our capabilities and there is no one else like us.

For the longest while I wanted to be Joyce Meyer. I wanted to have and do all that she did. I am not sure at what point I resigned myself to understanding I will never be her but I can strive to share God’s message like she does in my own way under His guidance and direction.

Are you losing yourself in someone else, it could be your significant other, it could be your boss – if you have one. It could be your neighbor, the lady next door. I was losing myself trying to be who I was not created to be. I was losing myself because I did not acknowledge my limitations. I was losing myself trying to be who I am not and so when I realized this I gave myself a talk. I said self it is okay, but you have to become who you were made to be. I encouraged myself and reminded myself that I was enough and perfect in the things that related to me.

I want you to do the same if you can identify. Our situations, experiences and interactions are all perfect and unique to making us who we need to be.
So I held on to that “talk” for dear life and began to see myself as how God saw me.

That is when I found myself.

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