life is interrupted

Sunday Inspire – Are you on the right Track?

life is interruptedBefore there was anyone it was just me and my heavenly father just us two doing our thing. He was my guide. He was my story. He told me everything to say and I looked forward to our time together until… Until I began to think I knew more than I did, I was not on the right track.

Ultimately we need no one but God who will keep us on the right track. He is our first and final resort for all we need, He knows what we need and He knows what is best for us … No one else. God will place people in our lives to guide us or He will place people in our lives to show us when we are doing something wrong and I will give an example of both cases.

When God sends people to us they are to help us, to show us things that he has equipped them to show us.  To provide us with wisdom and direction that we may struggle with, to help us with our needs, there are times we will need the earthly support. Remember Ruth and Naomi, Naomi possessed wisdom that Ruth did not have, Naomi saw possibilities that Ruth would not have seen for herself. Naomi placed Ruth on the right track.

God will also send people to show us when we are doing wrong, sometimes our thoughts or motives or just how we conduct ourselves might not be as it should. We may be too gullible or too trusting or too dependent and our father who is always concerned about us will use people to show these up in our lives. Remember the prophet in 1 Kings 13:1-31

Whatever the situation, there is always a lesson or growth to be had from it, a means of ensuring that we are where we need to be. We have to be careful to not be quick on either account but to assess all situations and pray for wisdom and leading in our daily lives. We need no one but God unless He says otherwise.

In the final analysis we should seek God for our final answer, He has placed us on the right track and He will keep us there.

Philippians 1:6 (TLB)

And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.

If you enjoyed reading this, please, connect with me through social media where I share more godlyconfidence building insights that will help you to begin creating the life you were made to live: See below.

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 Until next time; choose to create your awesome life. See and experience beauty in every moment. Love Jackie.

One last thing… If you are feeling stuck in your life and ready to get unstuck; order a copy of my book Called to a Higher Service. I would love to hear from you and join in this journey of finding your purpose. Email me here and let’s talk about it.

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