“Heal You First” is the latest book to be released from Jacqueline Johnson that delves into individuals needing to understand who they are before they can become who God wants them to be. It uses the story of the Caterpillar and the Butterfly to beautifully illustrate that we become who God needs and wants us to be through struggle and adversity.
Read the following excerpt and be inspired.
If you have a burning desire to have more than what is evident in your life right now – know that, this is also God’s desire for you. I am saying and I am encouraging you to remember who your maker is, to desire the things that are above and not below; to also remember that His word says you are the head never the tail.
You are designed to live a life that transcends everything you are currently experiencing, the mistakes, the lack, the loneliness, the selfishness, the lack luster life and the brokenness; these are not your heritage. Your heritage is with the things above, the treasures that you have yet to access even though they were freely provided for you – you must access them. So what do you do to move beyond your present circumstance? How do you rise and become?
It all starts with us, understanding that our source is God. We can have all the treasures, it can be done… I repeat it can be done; we just need to make a decision and a choice to rise above every lie and replace that with truth, which is from God. The truth that we are conquerors, truth that we are light, truth that we are more than enough, truth that we have everything that we need within us to create heaven here on earth. To be the prosperous, successful faith filled, happy people that we were created to be living by God’s Grace. It is our heritage and it is time we take back our heritage that was stolen from us. It is time for us to stand tall and know who we are in Christ. 2nd Chronicles 7:14 tells us that if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.
You begin to heal by recognizing where your source of power and strength comes from. You begin to heal by creating a tag – team between you and God; that’s the best team ever. You begin by healing yourself, your heart, your mind and even your physical body through Christ. Not leaving it up to him but doing your part and keeping in mind that it is a team effort.
Heal You First becomes available October 15th.
Have you read Called to a Higher Service – Read an Excerpt Here –