Nothing You Do Is 100% You, Remember Him

History has been unkind but he soothes our sorrows. He strengthens us in times of adverse conditions when we remember that He is with us; and all it takes is for us to call on Him. He is the pill for our pain, but we must acknowledge His hand in all that we do. WE MUST REMEMBER HIM. We must never believe that we are in his will without him being a part of our lives. And we must welcome His hand at work alongside ours through faith. We must give him access to us through surrendering while we do the things we do. We can never successfully do anything on our own; we must remember Him!

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The Amazing Power Of God

Can I be honest and say I was like a Sarah who laughed at this point. But as I realized later this was God's promise to us and later we would experience His Amazing Power. God increased Robert's, (my husband) clientele and allowed him an increase in his income to pay the rest of the deposit required. We went into that house fully furnished with new furniture and I’m not talking the basics I am talking add ons... paintings, mirrors, lamps, cushions, drapes, rods etc. ... everything that would allow us to have a beautiful home and one that we were extraordinarily pleased about. I get chills every time I think about how God worked it all out for us. In retrospect I also thought about the pains of building he saved us from. There are so many other accounts I could give of the amazing power of God at work in our lives like the time we went to dinner at our church; and in waiting for the hall to be ready we voiced that we should be at a certain restaurant having dinner instead. Before the evening ended we won 2 tickets to go to dinner at a "posh" restaurant. Do you hear me? I am sure as you read this you are reminded of the amazing power of God at work in your life too and that was my aim. Never allow "life" to cause you to forget how amazing God has been to you and how ... read rest? Click below. Leave a comment I want to hear about how amazing He has been in your life....

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Stop Playing It Safe

So this morning the passage of scripture found in Matthew 25:14-30 came to mind. It’s the parable of the talents or the investment as the message version describes it. I am sure you know it well where the master distributed money to his servants or workers and asked them to take care of it until he gets back. I want to pay attention to the last worker however who buried his. But before I continue I also feel compelled to share with you a part of a write up that I read on Marshawn Evans Daniels' (a virtual mentor, love her) blog that has somewhat confirmed or reaffirmed what I read in Matthew 25 vs. 28-30. "God calls us to significance not safety and security, God reinvents us to reposition us for greater purpose"Marshawn Evans Daniels

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