Your Light Your Identity

So I put this to all of us as children of God; what is your purpose but to move into areas that seem daunting, to do things that are unfamiliar. To not be concerned about others opinions including your own. But only wanting to do your Father's will which is very clear in His Words. Galatians 1:10 KJV: "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Understand that opinions or what we think, do not count. What counts is our willingness to do what God requires of us. He will equip us and give us the supernatural strength and ability to do His calling, so never feel like you are alone! I invite you to read more by clicking below. Leave me a comment, I would love your opinion on today's sharing.

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My Commitment

Sometimes tragedies involving saints have to take place to allow and help we who live in spiritual darkness to be brought back to light. As hard as it is to fathom, when tragedies occur that we cannot understand we return to that place of love where we cling ever so tightly to God and making him first place in our thoughts. God is so awesome. He alone brings peace to things that would otherwise confuse us. And this is just the absolute truth, none of us is fail-safe against tragedies, disappointment, hurt, indecisiveness, poor choices etc. We are not and so we must absolutely cling to the truth of who God is to us and who we are to Him... Unless it is we do not know... I invite you to read more below.

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Are You Keeping Score?

Quite recently I was a spectator at a track meet for primary and high school athletes. As I waited to enter the venue I saw a young man, he could have been 18 but he had the body of maybe a 10 year old. He was decked out in his track suit and was walking around looking quite serious and focused. He was obviously a special needs child. At no point did I think he was a participant in any of the races. I am now in the stands and watching the races; if my memory serves me correct, the under 20 men's 100 meter dash. And who do I see running his heart out and competing with guys who could quadruple him in stature, the special needs guy from earlier. He ran a dead last, but in that moment, I saw him as a winner. At what point does keeping score matter here? I invite you to read more by clicking below.

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