Before you were a thought, God The Father knew you, and He fashioned you in His image in the way He knew you would be most effective for the work he has for you. Unfortunately, we humans, the ones he fashioned perfectly for His plan, spend an inordinate amount of time trying to be something else. We are deeply unsettled and dissatisfied with how we may look, speak, and the things we may have, so we waste time trying to recreate ourselves in a mold that will never fit us.
Today I would love to encourage you to take a check of your life and feel the pulse of your situation; is it erratic, or is it returning a peace-filled pulsation? There are many things we go through because we are trying to control who we are when all we need to do is to assess the things we are trying to change and get to the root of why we are trying to change. Are we trying to be something we are not? If that is the case, then can we let go of that? Can we sit quietly with ourselves and begin to connect to our authentic being, the one that is perfect for you and all you need to do and become? Can we see ourselves as perfect the way we are, and can we stop rejecting God’s perfection?
Accepting ourselves as we are leads to peace and the best life possible. It is allowing ourselves to live fully and completely, divorcing ourselves of the expectations and whims of others and instead immersing ourselves into the true nature of God and allowing others to see His reflection within us. Self-acceptance is giving ourselves the permission to fully love all our flaws, to see them, and appreciate that they are what makes us unique.
Proverbs 19:8 reads, the one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. When we grow in both wisdom and understanding by listening to others’ experiences, reading the bible, praying, and having a close relationship with our Heavenly Father, we will learn to accept ourselves. Wisdom demonstrates that we all have a part (as we are) in God’s perfect plan. If we spend time laboring over what we feel we should be, then we will be misaligned from the part God has given us to play. Better yet, when we lovingly accept our situations, we will understand that if things do not play out the way we expect, there is a better alternative for us. Knowing this prevents the murmuring, and we will move forward, still on the path to the best life.
Please note, I am not saying that you should not desire or want a better life; I absolutely believe that life must be progressive, but it cannot be on your terms or the terms of the world. The progression must be aligned to God’s will and His plans and purposes, and so we must always look to him for direction and guidance as we travel our journey of life.