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Gods Got You, No Need Worry

Lately, I have been thinking through a lot. Life, to be specific. How have we been able to survive for so long in a perfect—yet twisted world? Not tiwsted because of the little man per se, but by those who have “control and power.” The ones who are destroying our existence because of greed and control, I refuse to spell out what I am saying. But, let’s get back to the message I have digressed a tad. How have we been able to get this far? And why?

It’s all to our Creator, God.
I believe we are here on purpose, not because of some whim, and we need to figure out our unique why and rekindle the fire within us. Many of us will lose our direction because of the daily experiences and influence of life in general, but the good news is that when we have a firm grasp of who we are, all of the distractions become irrelevant. The distraction becomes irrelevant because we are rooted in the knowledge that comes when we acknowledge the Spirit of God within us.

We would be amazed at the magnitude of clarity and excellence we would achieve if we allow our lives to slow down as if we are operating in slow motion. Remember that scene in The Matrix movie, where Neo and everyone else becomes aware of his power. That scene where things got still for a moment. Wasn’t it incredible and powerful? Didn’t his persona change immediately? It moved from questioning himself to a powerful stance of confidence and assertion.

Well, that’s the exact opposite of how the enemy wants us to feel. To not have the confidence that comes with living our truth from knowing God and the incredible support we have from Him. God has you covered, and He has your back. Understand what that means, then feel the potential weight it carries and the significance to you. Everything is set in motion for you to succeed, but first, you must know what you have and who you are. Independent of the world. Independent of others and independent of your experiences.
All of who you are supersedes these three. Think about it!

Lots of Love and Amazing light

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