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The Miracle Of Waking Up

When you go off to sleep at nights how do you really know you will awaken in the morning?

Is this something that we think about? Is it something that we take for granted assuming that we will. Or is it something that we give deep thought to as to why us and not others who will not live to see the morning.

The fact that you are still alive must never be taken for granted but actually should be celebrated daily. And not just celebrated, but understood that there is someone greater than ourselves who affords us this ability, this miracle.

And then we must ask why?

Is it to just take up space? It couldn’t be; because why would you live in a world that demands your contribution and not contribute. Why would you just rise each day to exist without purpose. I keep saying that purpose is not something magical or a far-fetched idea that you must go in search of. Purpose is within you and all it takes is for you to be the best you in every circumstance

Broken down it means as you walk along your path you greet others with a smile. It is looking for opportunities to help make someone else’s life better and more worthwhile, and doing it. It’s loving your family first. It’s creating opportunities to foster growth in others. And you do not need a stage or a platform all you need to be is “present” right where you are.
Present as in being available, being aware of your immediate space and what is going on in your space. And knowing how you must contribute to your space.

The world has the wrong perception of how it should operate. It is not about fanfare, it is not about who can outdo who. It is not about being seen… and it’s definitely not about accolades. What does the Bible say about this “give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” Leave the reward up to God and not man.

You are still able to open your eyes for a reason and one that should not be taken lightly. The moment you stop being significant becomes a cause for concern. Recognize this and be purposeful and genuine about your life and your contribution towards others. It is imperative.

Waking up is a miracle that God gives to us daily… our duty is to acknowledge this first, and second, ensure that we do not waste this miracle!

Lots of love and light

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