Whoever told you you cannot change lied!
I am motivated to share with you the above thought that you can change. Despite what others may say about individuals not being able to change and that you are just who you are, you can change. And I challenge that myth today not on my own accord but on the word of God.
In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”… does that suggest change? Also in Isaiah 43:19 it says “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. This I believe, also speaks to change.
Before you say those two verses are not speaking to an individual, may I remind you of some individuals that were changed. Saul to Paul – a man who persecuted God’s people was struck down by a bright light on the road to Damascus (Acts 9) and was blind for 3 days. When he regained his sight he was a changed man who went about preaching God’s word. Peter who I love to say was impulsive was also changed and became the solid rock on which Christ’s Church was built (Matthew 16:18). Change is possible but maybe we need to clarify our thought process and say WE CANNOT CHANGE OF OURSELVES.
The quickest way to change is to open ourselves to Christ’s change.
He kills the very desire that is killing us!
I have had my own fair share of experiences in this regard; finding myself in situations that I knew were hurting me, situations I knew were holding me back, situations that I just found myself in not knowing how I got there. But I also knew that “I” in and of myself could not break away from what were strongholds in my life until my desire to serve God became stronger than that which held me captive. Then I was free – JUST LIKE THAT.
And this is how I know that WE CAN CHANGE but only through Christ’s intervention. The quickest way to change is to open ourselves to Christ’s change. He kills the very desire that is killing us!
In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Change is a must for us as Christians and happily for whoever wants to walk with Christ.
The good news is that He will change us ….and so for change to occur we must open ourselves to Christ in faith knowing that we can and we will change. We will become more accepting where we use to be closed off. We become more loving of others where hate and unforgiveness existed. We will be more astute where we were once shortsighted or lacking in wisdom. Confidence becomes synonymous with our names where low self esteem existed.
We are called to change – new wine cannot be poured into old wine-skins. We are ineffective change makers for the Kingdom of God being our old selves. Non-Christians MUST welcome Christ into their lives to experience this wonderful change that I am talking about, you are welcomed by His Grace at any time.
Who wants to continue on a path going nowhere? At some point we all come to terms with the fact that we can do better and want better. So let us invite change in the form of Christ into our hearts and into our lives, today.