Knowing this truth has proven to be a challenge for me in more ways than one. I am sure I am not alone in this struggle – understanding that God is able to give us everything that we need. We understand who he is, we understand who we are and yet at times we get into a messy or challenging or hurtful situation that disrupts our good thinking; this results in our feelings running counter to God’s truth in our lives. We begin to doubt and forget that God will give us what we need and not only what we need but what is best for us.
We also forget at times when there is a delay.
There are many writings about this, but, once again I will use this forum to remind us all that delay has many lessons embedded within it. Lessons that unfortunately are not as easily seen or understood as quickly or clearly as would allow us to appreciate them. The lessons are there nonetheless because no situation happens just because – everything has purpose. Once again and unfortunately – our busyness or inability to get as deep as we need to is the very thing that holds us back and causes us to miss out on the lessons.
We also lack faith.
There is hope however; we just need to find a way to remind ourselves that God will give us what we need. It is at this point we should form an intentional habit. In forming this habit we meditate on the truth that God will give us what we need. We choose to be that person who says “I am going to totally rely on my Heavenly Father”, then at some point it gets into our subconscious and becomes our default way of thinking causing us to experience peace.
Of course it is a struggle for the best of us… I forget a lot of times but because I have chosen to meditate and to allow the truth of God’s word to become a part of me, I can safely say whenever I begin to doubt myself or God I quickly remember the words (God will give me what I need) and magic happens, peace comes.
Jesus said cast all our cares on he who cares for us. Simply means we can have peace and a easier life when we cast our cares, when we always acknowledge that God will indeed give us all that we need.
If you enjoyed reading this, please, connect with me through social media where I share more godly confidence building insights that will help you to begin creating the life you were made to live: See below. I am also here to help you along the way. Send me a message here.
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Until next time; be blessed as we take the first step needed to get us to our destiny. Choose to create your awesome life. See and experience beauty in every moment. Love Jackie.
Called to a Higher Service : Get it now on Amazon.
One last thing… If you are feeling stuck in your life and ready to get unstuck; order a copy of my book Called to a Higher Service. I would love to hear from you and join in your journey of finding your purpose. Email me here and let’s talk about it.