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Sunday Inspire – Now unto Him

turtle-1545026_640Ephesians 3:20(NIV)

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us


 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Now unto him… Not unto us, not our incomparable ability, not our limited wisdom and understanding and certainly not our ways. But unto our father, whose ways are far removed from ours not to mention His thoughts … Who is able to do, simply put, more than we could do for ourselves. Unto him means we should submit ourselves into his big capable hands – by faith. Instead of trying to figure this rat race called life all by ourselves …

Why not say…. Unto you my father … I give it all unto you. Do for me more than I could ever do. Wow me and overwhelm me with your goodness. Take care of me because I cannot take care of me. Why not say that… Help me to move beyond my inadequacies the very things that hold me back from you. I will do my part but I need you to back me up. How about saying that rather than trying to go at this alone?

I have learned to recognize when something is bigger than I am – I ask God, my father, to do it all for me and I gain such peace when I do, I know my father is my father for a reason. To help me with my goal of getting to heaven, to help me with making a contribution to others while I am alive. I need his supernatural strength to be and do the things I need to – not only to enhance my life but to enhance the life of someone else. I need him to help me figure out this thing – I need him to help me with everything. I need him to make the way clear. I need him to stay focused on my goals and the reason why I’m here. I need him to help me to live good with others and to smile in the midst of chaos, bad personalities, trials, hardships, favour, good times etc. I just need him.

Do you think you can live without His Spirit and presence within you? I know I cannot.

So unto Him who is able to wow me and give me all I need to live with success.

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22 Ways To Grow PersonallyThis book will take you on a 22 week Journey that will last you a lifetime. Spiritual insights will be gained from reading on everyday encounters that will test your Patience, Endurance, Faith, Ability to Surrender and many other qualities that we all need to succeed at life in a godly way. This book is for everyone who needs that extra push, that extra encouragement, that extra word from God. A singular word that will propel them daily to achieve simple tasks and create the kind of world that they were meant to exist in.
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