
Sunday Inspire – The Best Of Both Worlds

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The Best of Both Worlds.

What is that? What does it mean when people say they want the best of both worlds? What does it mean for Christians?

As Christians do we really strive for this or do we understand that this is not a part of the plan for our lives.

When you are told to be transformed through the renewing of your minds, what does that speak to?

Does it not speak to you leaving the things of the past in the past? Does it not speak to a need to let go of wanting or placing a high value on some things? What about having the need to be around certain people or continuing to do the things you did before; the things that makes you uncomfortable now that you have a renewed mind.

Transformation speaks to forsaking all others and everything that was of the previous way of living and clinging to a new way that you are presented with.

Where does transformation accommodate us holding onto the past? Where does it include holding on to something that previously existed? A transformed person is walking in a new way, a new order, a new normal that cannot accommodate the best of both worlds.

What it does accommodate, however, is the best of the best, no sharing, no division, no cut down the middle. What transformation does is gives you everything in one new package. There is nothing lacking, so you would need to go seeking after anything that you may feel is missing.  A transformed person once again does not need the best of anything but they immediately understand that they have the best…

Can two best exist? I doubt that. There’s no benefit to you from having the best of both world… that is a watered down package.

What you should go after and seek with every ounce of energy is the best thing that one can have. There is no best of both worlds, one has to supersede the other, only the best you deserve and only the best is being offered to you today through Jesus Christ. Will you not accept?

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