This morning my husband said something that I now realize may be what many other individuals are saying. I myself have said it many times, especially in those moments when I am feeling overwhelmed – and what it is, is that “this life is very complicated”. A simple statement, but, one that I know many believers battle with. I am reminded of David in Psalms 73:1-23 (NLT) which reads as follows –
1 Truly God is good to Israel,
to those whose hearts are pure.
2 But as for me, I almost lost my footing.
My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone.
3 For I envied the proud
when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.
4 They seem to live such painless lives;
their bodies are so healthy and strong.
5 They don’t have troubles like other people;
they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else.
6 They wear pride like a jeweled necklace
and clothe themselves with cruelty.
7 These fat cats have everything
their hearts could ever wish for!
8 They scoff and speak only evil;
in their pride they seek to crush others.
9 They boast against the very heavens,
and their words strut throughout the earth.
10 And so the people are dismayed and confused,
drinking in all their words.
11 “What does God know?” they ask.
“Does the Most High even know what’s happening?”
12 Look at these wicked people—
enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.
13 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?
Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
14 I get nothing but trouble all day long;
every morning brings me pain.
15 If I had really spoken this way to others,
I would have been a traitor to your people.
16 So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper.
But what a difficult task it is!
17 Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.
18 Truly, you put them on a slippery path
and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction.
19 In an instant they are destroyed,
completely swept away by terrors.
20 When you arise, O Lord,
you will laugh at their silly ideas
as a person laughs at dreams in the morning.
21 Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
22 I was so foolish and ignorant—
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
23 Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand…
This is what plague us at times, even though we may not want to admit it – when we see non-believers especially those who seem to have no respect and reverence for God prospering, we question our own choices as seen in vs. 13-14. We allow the woes of the world and what we see going on around us to lead us. I would like to remind you of another scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:7 which speaks to us walking by faith and not by sight. In other words, we live by believing and not by seeing. Believing what we know to be truth and not by seeing the terrible things going on around us or even the challenges we have in life.
Everything is for a time or season as we see in Ecclesiastes 3:1 for everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. So the wicked may prosper for a time but rest assured they will reap what they sow. The world may be in turmoil but it should not affect us, life may seem complicated and we do not know what to do, but, what I use to keep my mind where it should be – is that we are in the world but not of the world.
I encourage you today if you are feeling overwhelmed, thinking that life is complicated, to understand that God is very aware. He has His plans in place and in His time everything will be made right. In the interim we are required to remain steadfast and align to God’s will for our lives through His holy scriptures.