Understand that where you are needed the most, the enemy will keep you from. He will either make you begin to doubt yourself (your purpose) or crave things or people you do not need. People who may have been joy to you are now a burden (such as children). You begin to feel misaligned from your circumstance and the people who you need to reach out to – you will think twice.
We need to know the games that the enemy play with our mind and we need to assess the right or wrong of each situation. If someone is in need and you feel a desire to help, why would you think twice? Why would doubt come into your mind knowing that your help will allow that person to have hope? If marriage is ordained by God why would we contemplate divorce outside of abuse or infidelity and sometimes the infidelity can be covered by love as we see in Hosea’s case in the bible.( Read here for that story).
We have to be able to discern circumstances and choose to do good. We need to know when the enemy (through our mind) is preventing the best things in our lives. Also, we need to see beyond our immediate need and view the big picture and the far reaching impact.
In reading Psalm 73:25-26 we see David making a statement.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And I desire no one on earth as much as you! My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; he is mine forever!
And really… who do we have but God our father – man will fail us, the devil means us no good and we fail ourselves. But God our father who made us, is with us through thick and thin, he is the rock and the foundation of our lives. No matter what He will always be there for us. So we cannot live our lives thinking we know what is best or good for us. Only God the Father does… and you ask how does this fit into what I started writing about….
Here’s the thing – We have to look to God and rely on Him, day to day to help in our discernment of our circumstances that the enemy will want to distract us from. The things he will want to steal from us – our purpose, our hope to someone else, and our wisdom to impart to those who need a revelation. We have to look to God and depend on Him, to help us in sifting through the darkness so we can remain in His light and His will for our lives.
In order to make right decisions, we have to look to God and rely on HIM.
The enemy does not want us to be good or to do good in order to lift each other, encourage each other and offer hope to each other in these desolate times. The enemy wants us stuck and rendered immobile so we second guess the good intentions placed within us.
We have to look to God and to the Holy Spirit, to guide us through and to ensure that every good thing that we are required to do will be done.
What are your thoughts?
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One last thing… If you are feeling stuck in your life and ready to get unstuck; order a copy of my book Called to a Higher Service. I would love to hear from you and join in your journey of finding your purpose. Email me here and let’s talk about it.