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Wednesday Inspire – What do you seek Today?

trees-340950_1280Knowledge cannot be given to those who already think they know. Knowledge is given to those who constantly seek it.
What is the difference between those who know versus those who are seeking knowledge? There is pride, there is an absence of humility, and there is an ever present need to be seen and heard among many other negatives (reminds me of a group of people in the bible – the Pharisees). We can never know everything only God does and that is why he tells us to constantly seek him to constantly meditate on his words so we can receive knowledge.
Knowledge saves us, it gets us out of difficult situations even before we encounter them because we will know – where, when, why and how. Knowledge is of God and many of us today have no time to seek him out and to get this knowledge. We are too busy running our lives and also allowing the world to run our lives.
Why is it we think the world is the way it is today? It is because we are self seekers, self promoters, and self gratifiers, full of self, self, and self. We exist in a “me, me, culture” to our detriment. So when we get into problems, we cry out “if only I knew, if only I had known!” When that “known” was calling us, seeking us – but we were too busy running our lives.
It is time to wake up and understand what is taking place. Jesus told us his yoke is easy and his burden is light, but, too often we close our ears and we hold on to the heavy burden of the world; the heavy weight of the world – holding on to the world’s yoke – which is not easy to carry.

Every morning we awake to new mercies and I encourage you to change your focus. Seek out knowledge so that your life can be guided and not misguided by yourself or by the world

Begin to embrace an easier way of life. One that at the end of the day will bring you the peace and comfort that your soul seeks; that is what knowledge does for you.

It brings to your life everything your heart desires.

What are you desirous of today? And I do not mean temporary things. It is time to prioritize. What is most important to you in this moment? Believe me when I say that knowledge gives you that which you seek.
Where is this knowledge you may ask? It is found in the Bible. It is found and received when you acknowledge that God is in charge of your life. That He is sovereign and that He knows and wants the best for you. Stop living the hard life and begin to seek out what is available freely and easily – seek the easy life. Who does not want the easy life?

So I encourage you today, it is found in Christ- find Him! It is not enough to know of Him. It is more important to find Him and to get intimate with Him. To really know Him through an authentic relationship.

Seek Him today.


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