Matthew 6:33 (TLB)
…and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.Read Matthew 6.
There is a simple rule of success for all believers and that is to seek God first and allow all things to be added unto us.
All the things that we desire in life and this does not speak to only physical things but also those we desire but are not tangible; such as love, peace, harmony, unity and being able to live without being concerned about the wars and rumors of wars. In these last days we need the intangible. Our inability to seek God in the way that we should is probably at the root of us not being delivered. Some will argue that we have to go through a process of being refined and so our problems and challenges are needed to strengthen us. While I will not argue with that thought process, I will say this, often time there are a lot of malady that could be avoided if only we seek God and all his righteousness. If only we stopped and recognize the importance and the blessings contained in true surrender to our Almighty God. If only we understood that God is not on par with us and give him the true reverence he deserves; we would avoid a lot of things that we think God is allowing to happen to us.
This takes me to another point; we need to stop blaming the devil for the negative things that take place in our lives. I have said it before we give the devil too much credit that he does not deserve. We only need to look in the mirror whilst reading our bibles and we would realize we have more control over our lives than we think. Some of the things we go through can be avoided through proper reasoning and not acting rashly. I will never forget hearing a quote from the late Dr Myles Munroe that “consequences are more important than the decision”. Most times we act without looking at the big picture. God gives us a functioning mind and rationale foresight that we need to use, we need to stop being guided by our carnal nature but instead be lead by the Spirit.
As Christians we cannot afford to be separated from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, the truth of the direction that we need to go in. If we were guided by the spirit a lot of the drama would disappear, as simple as that. Instead we take the Holy Spirit as an accessory or add on that we can take up and put down as we desire.
All of this has to stop; the bible gives us all we need to order our steps on God’s path and to experience life in an incredible way.
We can stop going around the mountain as the Israelites had done. If we do what the Bible says and seek God first we can be assured we will get to the Promised Land.
I encourage us all today to seek God first and allow everything that we need to live successfully to come to us. It’s as simple as that. May God intervene in our lives today, may He rearrange our lives, may He remind us of priority and cause us to change direction resulting in us seeking Him first. God bless you and I love and appreciate each of you and so does God. He chose us!
Your Affirmation – Smile and Say, I seek you first Amighty Father, everything else is secondary.
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