
Daily Affirmation – There has to be an Internal Change

affirmationRomans 12:2 (TLB)

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think…


The journey to heaven is not an easy one, but it has been the most rewarding experience that I have been on to date. When we move beyond the difficulties and the fact that it runs counter to the “attractiveness” of the world we live in we will see how worth it, the journey is.

When I began my journey almost 8 years ago I took every step for granted, I was still answering to the world, my focus remained on things of the world and what I felt I was missing out on – suffice to say I was not as renewed as I should be. The moment I recognised that I had not changed and that I was still experiencing negatives that I thought would have been a thing of the past was the moment I realised I had to do things differently. I had to change internally.

Situations and people do not change, it is us that needs to change to make those people and situations more bearable!

I want to say to someone today who would like to see changes taking place in their lives that perhaps there needs to be an internal change first. An internal change that allows you to experience life in the way it should be. A change that allows you to take stock of your situation and move away from that which does not contribute to an improvement in your life, so that you can begin to live.

Your Affirmation: Smile and Say – Today I take stock of my life and make internal changes. I move away from that which does not allow me to change and does not contribute to an improvement in my life. Today I begin live.

Be Blessed on this AWESOME DAY in your Life!

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