less of yourself

Sunday Inspiration – It is Time!

less of yourself

Find the time to pray over Yourself, Situation & People and watch awesome changes manifest in your Life! It’s Time.

Colossians 4:2 (AMP)

Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.

It is time, time to release the people and situations in our lives that are not adding value or any positive contribution but are taking up much needed space that could be allotted to us or someone else.

It is time to release the parents, the teachers, the pastors, the friends, the enemies and surprisingly ourselves. It is time to forgive and forget and to move on – to give us the release that we need to move into who God created us to be. If we do not rest assured we will remain stuck and in a dark place that I know we are tired of being in. Too many times we complain of others impacting the joy and peace in our lives when nothing could be further from the truth, hard pill to swallow but it is us. We are the ones keeping ourselves where we are. We need to look to God who is ready to wholeheartedly give us the strength to do what we need to do; but it all begins with us changing our mindset (through prayer) about the kind of life we want and the one we know we deserve… I will forever say that sometimes we can be our biggest stumbling block or mountain.

For years I blamed my husband for how I felt about me until I realized that the more I held on to that belief was the more my situation remained the same. Things did not change for me until I hit rock bottom, took control and effected changes, my own changes, that brought harmony and peace of mind to both of us. Once again, sometimes it is us – a very hard pill to swallow. The biggest mountains that we harbor in our lives are people who we think have caused us wrong and the sad thing is that those same people are out there enjoying life while we are dying inside. This is something we know so why is it hard for us to let them go and live life.

Look to God to help in changing you so you will release the people and circumstances that you believe are making your life cloudy. God is the one that we all need to look to through prayer to move us into the life that we will love. A lot of us are walking around living a life that we do not love, a life that we do not even like. I am saying that it is time to release yourself and take responsibility for your future. It is in your hand, the capable hand that God has given you. Rise above your past, above people, above situations, above circumstances and take charge of your life with God as your Help. It is time!

He is waiting on you to begin a new life and to begin loving it!
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