Sunday Inspire – Rejection getting the best of you?

REJECTIONHave you ever asked a question or sought someone’s opinion via text messaging, email or any of the other indirect means of communication and did not get an immediate response? What was your first thought? Was it along the lines of – Is there an issue, did I ask something wrong? Maybe point blank, you begin to feel rejected.

Rejection comes in many forms and is something as believers we understand to not take personally and to always think the best – and yet, we sometimes cannot prevent ourselves from thinking the worst first.

Why do we do that?

We think the worst first because rejection attacks us, the person; so our thought is that we are lacking in some area when it is not so. Rejection is one of the tools that the enemy uses to steal our joy and every good thing that we need to ensure that our life is filled with peace. I believe this matter of rejection is an area that many of us need to be healed in and one that we need to rise above.

Why does it hurt so bad?

It hurts because who we know ourselves to be is under attack; someone is telling us differently, so we question ourselves wondering if… We face rejection at work, school, church, friends, our families and guess what we even reject ourselves too. The Bible however tells us in 1 peter 2:4 that “…you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious.” That is the key to facing rejection and overcoming it. Our acceptance comes from God and not the world. Satan will always use the world to get to us. It also hurts because we do not know who we are and so we are easily influenced by others opinion.

What does rejection do to us?

It causes us to lack confidence and a true belief in ourselves. Through rejection we question our abilities, our dreams, ideas and our worth.  We question our relevance and significance. We question our place in this world. Children living with rejection often grow into adults who are always unsure, always needing to fit in among many other less than desirable traits. Rejection is not to be taken lightly, it is a bad spirit that needs to be removed. It is unfortunate that it will take some time with us understanding who we are in Christ before we can overcome rejection and see it the way that we should, as satan’s attack that we should rise above.

I encourage you today to not succumb to the evil of rejection as it will open you up to anger, bitterness, low feelings of self worth etc. I encourage you to read your bible and meditate on what God says about you. Fill your thoughts with positive truth from the bible, affirm them and so when you are faced with rejection you will always take the higher road. Your positive thoughts will counteract the very negative nature of rejection as you will know who you are.

Live with Godly Confidence by acknowledging your spirit within!

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