For some of us, our world may not be all that we envision. I am sure you have heard it before, our world mirrors how we see ourselves. Hard to digest for some but very true. Our desire is to live successful in a happy world and I am here to say we can. We can live succesful lives untouched by the darkness.
So what is successful living?
Success is living each day with intention despite being uncomfortable about what we are doing, despite not having it all figured out but maintaining our momentum to the fabulous, glorious end. Maintaining that sunshine in our lives not allowing the darkness of greed, selfishness and lack of inspiration and fire in our lives to consume us.
Remember we are children of the highest creator (impossible to conceive by our limited minds). We have been given fire to drive our passions, fire to point us in the direction of our purpose whatever that may be. This fire comes to us through the Spirit of God. Believe it Expect it and Receive it. Today! Not tomorrow.
It starts with us beginning to live intentional and purposeful in our lives. I was never a giver because I never felt I had anything to give. Now because of this fire I realize that I have an abundance to give, it’s just our perception of what we think we have to give. So now I think giving all the time, whether to the gas station attendant, to the little guy that takes my grocery out to the car or just to a passerby, I live purposefully thinking giving (now). I now see myself as a giver. The more I see myself this way is the more I find to give.
Whatever area of your life is challenging can be “fixed” by beginning to live intentionally in that area. Be more of what you want to see in the world. Begin to create your world, the world you want to live in!!!! Believe it Expect it Receive it … Today. Start now! That’s a part of successful living.
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