Two Awesome Revelation to share.

Let me ask a question, when we say things happen for a reason , what are we really saying? what are we really doing? Is it an acceptance of the situation in a nonchalant way? Or do we look at the big picture to see if we can unearth why “something” might have happened. I had an awesome revelation recently that told me that I should not gloss over the situation but assess the situation and make changes as needed. It is imperative we discover the reason so we can grow.

What was my contribution to this situation?  This we should ask ourselves, asking ourselves this question is a means through which we will look at the circumstances objectively and take from it what the Holy Spirit would have us learn. Saying everything happens for a reason is no longer a means to gloss over anything but a means through which the circumstance as to why it happened should resonate in our Spirit. It should also evoke a change in our lives and that change should result in us becoming better. It will surely help us in preventing a similar occurence in our lives too. We can only have this when we reflect on the situation. Make time to get the clarity out of the situation.

Another revelation was that a lot of the sayings that we meditate upon often. Things that we grow up hearing. Things that our parents used as a tool of socializing, holds far more significance than what so many of us attribute to them. Sayings such as behind every dark cloud is a silver lining, everything happens for a reason, spare the rod spoil the child, on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand etc. There are “sayings”which are biblical and then you have the rest. He wants us to know that we hold unto them for a significant reason and if we practiced to not just repeat the sayings without heart; but delve deeper and unearth the hidden meanings in the things we say, we would be better off. We would be better off because, we would either, stop repeating them (because some of what we say are actually damaging) or hold fast to the “sayings” and use them as a source to uplift us and propel us to a deeper level of ourselves.

So we should assess the words that we speak. Let them not be meaningless but let them serve a purpose. Jesus is an individual of few words, but when he spoke it came from a deep place within. Let us speak fewer words and not practice idle chatter that the bible instructs us against. Let whatever comes from our mouth be words that uplift and serves a purpose and not just words to fill an empty crevice that we feel needs filling. That’s how the world operates.

We are not of this world we are of God’s kingdom.Let us begin to practice presence and significance through our thoughts and speech !

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