blue white and orange abstract painting
Photo by Steve Johnson on

Dreams are God-given

Have you ever gone to bed and dreamed you were falling or found yourself running away from persons who would hurt you? Many times I fall asleep to dreams that cause me to will myself awake, can you identify? You realise you are dreaming, and you want to wake up from the dream, because you don’t want to stay in that dream, in that place where you may not survive…

Today my focus is not on the dreams we have while sleeping but, dreams we have while awake. The dreams we are fully aware of, dreams we have as children, and even now as adults, dreams that we think are farfetched and impossible. Dreams that we believe are not ours because we are stuck in a routine that does not allow us to see ourselves in any other way, doing something outside our current norm. Dreams placed within us for a purpose, not to be a fantasy, but designed specifically for us, to add value to our lives and the life of others.
God did not create us to ‘just’ exist, and yes, we may be tired of hearing this, but I will repeat, God created us with a purpose to live intentionally for others and not only satisfy ourselves and our needs. He gave us this incredible gift of dreaming, of knowing that there is more to life to look forward to, I believe through our dreams, God gives us a rare opportunity to experience heaven.

Our dreams lead us to his life for us here on earth, when Jesus was leaving earth he told us that he was leaving to go and prepare a place for us. I do not know about you, but that in itself causes me to dream, while being awake, while being very aware of future possibilities—of what that place, heaven, would look like, how it would make me feel, how it would make you feel. That dream has caused me to aspire to do what it takes to make sure at some point it is no longer a dream, (with God’s help, of course), but it becomes a reality, my reality.


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