Have you ever heard the story of how an eagle teaches her young one? There is a period of dedicated training that the young eaglet undergoes that allows it to defend itself and survive the challenges it will meet in life? An Eagle’s life is an inspiration to us who want to soar above our limitations, the eagle’s lifestyle can be a lesson to us. They live freely with an air of regality, power and confidence and so many other adjectives that we could come up with to describe the eagle’s life. God and our Spirit within can lead us into a life reflective of the eagle’s life.
Here are 3 characteristic of the eagle that we can learn from:
- The eagle experiences unabated freedom – a freedom that is available to us too.
We are so caught up and restricted by the shackles of life to the point where we cannot break free, not because we cannot but because we do not really want to. Break free would mean that we are left vulnerable and open and confused, something that we do not want to entertain even if it just for a time; even if it means that breaking free allows us to have a more meaningful life. Even when we know that we are not alone; we just cannot break free. Can we just open up to the Spirit that frees us from the shackles? Can we stop ignoring the Spirit within which empowers us to be “more”? More is not a big thing, more just begs us to see the world as bigger than our little corner. More begs us to be kind to one stranger. More begs us to extend our borders, to smile and be cheerful to one person. More begs us to love even an ounce harder. More tells us God made us “more” than the life we live in the present. A life of freedom that welcomes “more”.
- The Eagle sits at the top of mountains and so can we mentally, if not physically.
Sitting at the top of the mountain allows us to become free mentally and this freedom changes our perspective and how we view things. Sitting atop a mountain gives us confidence to pursue our own goals and dreams. Sitting atop a mountain wean us from the world and its impositions on our lives. Sitting atop a mountain changes everything about our attitude, we have a new mental perspective which causes us to see ourselves as limitless and able to achieve. We become limitless knowing that we have the power from God to be like the eagle, without boundaries and captivity caused by people and situations.
- Have you ever seen the eagle in flight? Does the eagle not fly alone?
Lesson in point, WE NEED NO ONE BUT OURSELVES AND GOD who has placed within us all that we need to survive. We, like the eagle do not need daily distraction created by the noise of people around us; so we need to soar alone like the eagle.We are in charge of our own destiny. We are totally accountable for our own failures and successes. Having people in the mix gives us an opportunity to pass on the blame and easily say we were influenced outside of our selves. We are accountable for our own lives!
We can break-free and become like the eagle if we choose. We can live life on our own terms, not in a selfish way but in a way that aligns with God’s will for our lives. If we cannot live with freedom and not burdened down, then how can we give to somebody else? Something to think about.