We need to Wake Up!

There are persons feeling less than a child of God right now against their will and better judgment because I assume if life and how they felt were left up to them they would be in a place of constant joy and no form of negative thinking and worry. We know that life will never be all rosy, not in this life. God himself have warned us about this through his own word. John 16:33 (NIV) “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The verse in John is all we need to provide us with comfort and to give us the renewed hope and faith to survive in this world. To get through each day and move with the right attitude which should encompass the word in 2 Timothy 1: (NKJV)For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

I guess we will say we are human first and yes we are human but despite what our reality looks like God has given us the power to overcome with love and a sensible reasoning mind.  So yes, we are human but that should never be our excuse to remain in a place of fear , worry and negative thinking; that is not God’s plan for us. We need to step up and step out and rise to the occasion which takes us beyond our circumstances. We have to be bold and represent God, after all – we are made in His image… imagine that.  There are no inadequacies within if we believe we are made in God’s image. So let us stop hiding behind fear and think that because Adam & Eve sinned we will be constantly in this silly war against the enemy. That’s most people’s thinking and therefore their reality unfortunately and added to that we are answering the enemy’s call and his “woe be unto me mentality”. We need to step up and we need to step out and stop this thinking.

A thought that came to me which speaks to us living in a less than light, unable to free ourselves from the darkness that surrounds us stems from us being blinded to the truth of our situation. Our eyes needs to be opened and opened wide, we may need to hear from God in the same way Joshua did (read Joshua 7). We need a real wake up call that allows us to move from under Satan’s darkness and walk into the light we were meant to shine in. Sometimes we need to look around and assess our situation and question ourselves, perhaps we are holding onto some things that we need to let go of…Perhaps we need to stop talking to some people that are feeding us the wrong messages and helping us down rather than up. We need to wake up! We need to full listen to God’s voice and stop Half Listen. We need to let go and Let God!
The enemy attacks weakness and ignorance. Let us become bold people filled with wisdom. Then there is nothing to attack!

Let us wake up and realize that God is the best thing in our lives and when we go through challenges as we always will, God’s intention is for us to pass the test. Let us pass the test knowing that we are being prepared for a bigger, better life. My mother told me this once when I was feeling hopeless… she said to me not to worry because the best is yet to come, that, the rest of my life will be the best of my life. I am telling you too; despite what today seems The Rest of Your Life is going to be the Best of Your Life.

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