We all want to be like Jesus Christ, that is our ultimate desire in our walk towards eternal life. Do we stop, however, to really think about what that entails? Do we know it requires us to return to the baby stage?
Do we realize that in order to be like Jesus we will have to bear crosses in our lives, so why do we try to avoid them? Why is it that when we are faced with a situation that weighs us down we pray to be delivered immediately? We also try to summon all the faith in our being to remove the challenge from our life rather than embrace it, even for a minute, knowing fully well that there is a lesson to understand and absorb. I have written this before in a previous post, but this is a reminder that crosses (challenges) are there for us to grow. So we should accept them and carry them as required of us. The Bible speaks about “The cost of being a Disciple of Christ” in Luke 14:25-35. Read for edification but today I want to talk about taking Baby steps.
When we are called to be Disciples of Christ it is not a simple matter, it is not a decision that we will make that goes without deep thought and understanding of what being Christ’s disciple entails. The understanding comes via the unavoidable process of learning and becoming spiritually aware in a deep sense, not on the surface. A process that will force us to take baby steps, and allow God to change us and make us effective disciples. Once again (cannot be reinforced enough) deep thought is required, not just knowing right from wrong. There has to be deep revelation and change in our personalities which are so lacking no matter how “good” we think we are. If we should just get up and decide to start professing our faith, without allowing God to really change us into his children we very well might be the “clanging cymbals” spoken of in the bible, (see 1 Corinthians 13:1) making a lot of noise without real substance.
There needs to be decisiveness, we have to be intentional and constantly thoughtful and open during the process of change that our personalities will go through, thanks to the Holy Spirit. We will have to take baby steps and move slowly not missing anything. There will be times when our minds will scream “no” especially when we are asked by God to do something that goes contrary to how we operated in our previous life. Being a disciple of Christ is a call to give up self totally. In Luke 14:33 Jesus says “In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples”. Everything includes and speaks mostly to our old way of thinking and doing things; friends, loved ones, old habits etc as needed. Can we see that it is not easy and definitely not a simple process?
Being a disciple is not a simple call it requires a renewing of our mind, body and spirit only achieved with God’s help and us surrendering. There is no way we can represent God and continue with the same personality and way of thinking. This change does not happen overnight, patience and discipline are needed. As a matter of fact our learning and changing does not end while we are here on this earth because the only good and perfect person is God.
So baby steps are important and necessary in this process, its unavoidable! In learning, we will need to be good scholars so we can advance to the maturity stage. In getting to maturity we have to constantly listen to God’s voice and be aware of God’s presence and the changes he requires of us and be obedient even when we do not want to be. We have to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit (often overlooked). The Holy Spirit does for us what Jesus would do if he was still here on earth so it is important to recognize the value that the Holy Spirit brings to our lives.
Parents teach their children during the baby stage and so, God our Father will teach us when we return to the baby stage. He told us if we are not willing to be like children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. We have to be humble like children, teachable and willing to learn.
Taken from : © One day at a Time – Lessons from God – Jacqueline Walker-Johnson.