Single in Joy. Conversation #3

How does the single Christian woman survive the loneliness and find Joy in God alone. How does the single Christian woman avoid getting involved in a relationship just to avoid loneliness and to be accepted or loved as some would put it?

I use to crave acceptance, never satisfied in my own space. Always getting myself into situations that turned out wrong. I looked for acceptance from men that were not like minded as I was. I found instead that in these so called relationships I would forsake the very essence of my being which is God. These relationships would turn sour and then needing comfort, the only comfort I knew would take me through I returned to God. I knew he would provide me with the comfort I needed. It was after a series of these meaningless and empty relationships that I was made to realize that I was no better than those ladies of the night. Knowing that all these men wanted was one thing and for each wrong man that I got involved with was another bad spirit I allowed in my life.

God made me realize that what I was looking for was what only he could provide.

I realize too that there are many women like myself getting involved with men who are trying to find themselves. It has to stop because that is not what God wants of us. It was not until I started having frequent conversations with God, just allowing him to speak to me I was able to really see my value. Then came the hard part which was to say no and really mean it. I realize when we welcome God into our lives and allow him to transform us (providing us with Grace)then we will get the courage to put away certain things. To make better choices. To realize that love cannot be casual, he then helps us to discern between the good and the bad.

Today I can say that being single is not a lonely life; that even being in a relationship can be lonely if it is not the right situation. Today I can say without hesitation that I am single in joy. God has shown me that being single is not bad; there are a lot of ways to share myself without committing to something meaningless, that is a recipe for sadness. God has taught me that he is the path to my joy and the end of my loneliness. It is as easy as that.

Psalm 43:4 (TLB)

There I will go to the altar of God, my exceeding joy, and praise him with my harp. O God—my God!

Psalm 28:6-7 (MSG)

Blessed be God—    he heard me praying. He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown my lot in with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him.

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