The Tongue needs a break / Daily Affirmation

Consider your tongue as an artist does his painting, it is meant to create wonder and evoke emotions. Let the wonder and emotions evoked by your tongue be uplifting and not destructive. JPJ

James 3:5 “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark”.

It is scary as a Christian to think that despite trying to do good , be good and think good at times we cannot control ourselves, our thoughts and what is in our hearts. Scary to think about but it is the truth. Rest assured though, that wisdom begins with knowledge and wisdom and actions go hand in hand. In James 3:5 it tells us that our tongue may be a small part of our body but it holds great boasting. James continues to show the similarity of our tongue to a small spark that can start a great fire resulting in great destruction.

The tongue is arguably the strongest muscle in the body, I guess strong because of its size and the fact that it does so much. Research tells us that the tongue is always working; even when we are sleeping .We add to our overworked tongue by speaking unnecessarily when we could really help in giving it a rest.

It would do well for us to practice the art of listening and give our tongue a break.

As small as it is the tongue can cause irreparable damage to us and to others if not used with wisdom.

A word spoken out of turn is unnecessary and wasted.

I am trying to be very intentional when speaking with others I have begun to practice the art of “speaking selective words”. I have found myself in situations which prompt me to be rash or too talkative in my conversations with others,so I now try to choose my words by pausing first or walking away rather than saying something ugly. This oftentimes saves me from a worst situation which is harder to mend.

 Affirm: Proverbs 17:27-28 (NIV) “The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues”.

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