Sometime ago I heard the following song and I was so drawn to the words, one would think that the young lady was singing to her significant other but it turned out that she was singing the song to God telling him that he brought out the best in her always. I would like to think of God as my significant other and I am also led to believe that these are the words that God longs to hear from us.
You bring out the best in me. Imagine hearing those words from someone you love. What does it do for you? Doesn’t it bring you joy and make you feel a sense of achievement, a sense of completeness. Do we think for a moment that those words cannot be directed to our heavenly father the same way we would direct them to a loved one. Can we imagine being able to truly say those words to God. You bring out the best in me.
Let us consider what could possibly be our best. Could it be that the life we are living is one of immense joy and satisfaction. Our best could be that we have become selfless and it is no longer about what I can get out of life but instead what I can do for another. Our best could be success not in a monetary way but success in terms of our impact with others. Our best can be that we have so much peace in our lives because we have unshakable faith in the midst of life’s storms. Our best definitely has to be that love resides in our hearts which prevents the thought of hurting another but just embracing all. Our best can be so much.
Being able to say to God you bring out the best in me means that his impact in our lives is like no other impact. It means that we have taken heed and are following the example of our High Priest Jesus Christ. At times I have felt unworthy to think and say certain things to God. I focus on my needs above all else instead of giving praises. God understands, but I am encouraging us that through his grace he has given us permission to come to him in any way that we need to. So I am encouraging us all to say words that God wants to hear. Just as the song says you bring out the best in me, he wants to hear that from us. Let us start singing it out loud to God and opening ourselves to feel the joy he will give us double portion of just through our declaration to him that he brings out the best in us.
Good article!