Daily Affirmation – The Threshing Floor

Separating the good stuff in our lives from the bad, removing the old and making way for the new is necessary to achieving who we need to become. JPJ 

Threshing (thrashing) was originally to tramp or stamp heavily with the feet and was later applied to the act of separating out grain by the feet of people or oxen and still later with the use of a flail. The construction of the threshing floor was often done in a high place, to take advantage of soft and steady winds to facilitate the work of winnowing, separating the grain from the chaff, once the threshing had been completed.

I believe that true Christians will experience the threshing floor at some time; perhaps when we decide that enough is enough and we reject the world and truly embrace God. I believe that God works within us to remove the bad in us and to reveal the good in us just as the chaff is separated from the grain.

In Matthew 3:12 it says “his winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

 The above verse relates to God separating his people from the rest. I think it can also relate to our personal experiences in life of separating the bad side of us and allowing the good that is in us to be revealed. It is necessary to go through the process of being on the threshing floor as it should ensure our growth in our spiritual walk; it tells us that God is working in us and through us. The threshing floor will be our place of baring ourselves, understanding the negatives in our lives and wanting to have those replaced with positives. We will be renewed and become more like Jesus, knowing the truth in all situations. It is a constant process but one each new and old believer should pray for. A process that will allow us entry into a new life and a new world that has been prepared for us. affirmation Affirm: I will surrender myself and allow God to take me through the process of being on the “threshing floor.” I will welcome the workings of God in my life, removing the old and making way for the new. It is well and I am well.

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