Daily Affirmation – Creating Balance in our Lives

Creating balance in our Lives is paramount to good healthy living.

I know it does not escape any good thinking person how time flies. I remember when I had started working a number of years ago how I use to count the hours waiting for the day to end. I remember longing for the holidays that may involve travelling or just reconnecting with family and friends I had not seen in a awhile.

Now it seems I do not have time to count the hours but instead I am wishing the days were longer so I could get more work done.

Persons may say there are more responsibilities now and therefore it is not the hours in the  day that seem shorter but that we have a lot more to do. I will not comment on that but what I will say is that for those of us who feel overwhelmed by not having enough hours in the day, we do need to think  about creating balance in our lives. If there is not enough time to get routine things done then one would think there is not enough time to enjoy our lives either, which can have a negative impact on our health.

Lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, stroke, heart disease etc are as the name suggests – attributed to our lifestyle. So it means in simple words that we can avoid some of these illnesses or their threat by looking at our lifestyle.

Changing  and beginning the process of creating balance includes:

  • looking at what we eat.
  • do we exercise.
  • do we laugh often.
  • do we engage in meaningful conversations.
  • do we have a good support system around us.
  • are we grateful in all circumstances.
  • do we view the glass as half-empty or do we look at it as half-full – what is our perception on life? Read this 
  • And last but most importantly do we meditate on God’s word daily .

creating balance in our lives





Our lifestyle is directly associated with our experience of life. Creating balance in our life requires us to give up certain things ( things we cannot control) and embracing the things in life that brings us pleasure. We have to work to ensure our bills are paid and our children( for those who have) also have a future; but it is also important to enjoy and take care of ourselves in this process that we call life. Let us change what we can starting today, let us make a concerted effort to start creating balance, let us remember how it was when we were children and try to incorporate some of that routine into our adult lives. Let us choose to smile more, to talk more, to have family time. It is not difficult, it is necessary to our survival in this world that is ever moving and constantly busy. Creating balance is not for some of us it is for all of us.

affirmationAffirm: I will remember what it was like to be a child, to be carefree while at this same time remain cognizant  of my duties/obligations as an adult. I will create balance in my life to ensure that I remain “sane” in an insane world and also to keep in good health. It is well and I am well.



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