Daily Affirmation – Stepping out of our Comfort Zone

This is a daily battle for some of us, stepping out of our comfort zone is not an easy thing. This is where we feel safe, it is where we are most comfortable. It is where we feel makes us okay and yet we long for more for ourselves.

Often times our comfort zone really keeps us in places we would rather not be. Our comfort zone can allow us to stay in a bad relationship, to remain in a job year after year that gives us no satisfaction.  Our comfort zone sometimes makes us feel self righteous and causes us to hold on to the very thing we should let go of for eg. if we get into a disagreement with someone, we feel that we are right and therefore we have no desire to put an end to the disagreement. These are some of the misguided notion that being in the comfort zone places inside us. It really is not an healthy state to be in.

Stepping out of our comfort zone requires self control, it requires faith, it requires of us to be selfless, it requires self confidence in ourselves and in God.

Stepping out of our comfort zone can open us up to becoming better people for ourselves first and foremost and then for others. If we do not take care of number one then we cannot take care and help others. Stepping out of our comfort zone can open up so many different opportunities for our lives. If we never take the first step we will always be wondering what if…

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”.


affirmationAffirm: Today I will look within and see what is preventing me from stepping out of my comfort zone. I will affirm that to stay in my comfort zone is not progressive. I need to step out of my comfort zone in order to be all that I am suppose to be. It is well and I am well.

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