Giving thanks.

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I find myself giving thanks more and more lately,  if I am cooking I am giving thanks, while in bed watching my favorite television show I am giving thanks. I am giving thanks because I know where I was and where I am today and for the fact that I was inspired to express myself through this medium. Finally, I have found something that gives me authentic joy and immense satisfaction. I use those words because that is how truly satisfying I have found expressing myself through writing and putting my thoughts on paper to be, it is as bad as not wanting to stop and eat.

I will be sleeping and am awaken for whatever the  reason is and thoughts start churning in my mind. I get an inspiration to write on a specific experience. So it is 5:30 in the morning, I have just awaken and feel this deep desire to share how I am feeling at this present moment. I know it is not the euphoria of it all, I know it is not the newness of what I am doing. It is a sudden coming to terms with my true purpose. I do not know where this will lead but guess what, I am excited. An excitement akin to watching that “girlie” cartoon  Peppa pig with my daughter of three and seeing how excited Peppa pig is when she jumps in muddy puddles. This is where you laugh – any moms know what I am talking about?

So in summary, I cannot thank God enough for telling me to slow down, for opening my eyes and leading me to this place of writing. I encourage the person reading this now, if you are not satisfied with your life, if there is no joy in what you are currently doing, open yourself up and ask God to lead you into your destiny. Do not be anxious for the answer either. It took me about 4 years with a couple mistakes along the way, of even changing jobs because I thought that was God’s answer.

I know where he is leading me, if I were to tell you and you personally knew me, you would probably say “not writing Jackie.”  This is because it is entirely opposite of how I see myself and how others may have seen me. Nevertheless I open myself up to His leading.

Life is so much sweeter and so much more gratifying when we find our true purpose and act on it.

Please read this post that mirrors how I feel about this journey, and may you find inspiration to start living a purpose-filled life.


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