
Sunday Inspire – How is your Environment

Your environment needs to be shaped by you. It is no longer okay to leave it to chance. We have to take control – JWJ.

A moment ago I was having a conversation with my daughter reinforcing certain principles that will help to guide her into making right choices for her life. She is only 7 years old which is precisely why every opportunity I get we usually talk about good and positive principles among other things. You see, we cannot wait until something happens and then we try to do damage control, it does not work. We have to begin during the formative years when even though sometimes it does not make sense, they have ears to hear and they will hear. Continuous reinforcement of what is important in life will allow them to get it right when the time is right.

Proverbs 22:6 (TLB)  Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older, he will remain upon it.

I observe what is taking place in the world today and while I may not be in a position to impact or make what some would call significant changes; I do believe that changing our corner is important and has enough of an impact. If we shrug our shoulders and look the other way because the problem is too great (even forsaking our little corner) then we cannot question why the world is the way it is, we just cannot.

We have to save the children and often times from themselves. Quite recently I was speaking with a young lady about her standards and why she made such bad choices for herself. Without skipping a beat she announced “my life has no significance, I have seen it all and I just do not care anymore, I do not care what happens to me”.

What could have brought her to this conclusion at (I am assuming) age 17. Who fell short in her life, who looked the other way forsaking their corner, who did not take the time to do what Proverbs 22:16 says? A lot of that goes on today. Kids are being left to entertain themselves, no real family life exists. I once saw where a parent declared that it is no longer necessary to share meals around a table (I somewhat fall in that category) “we just have fun“. While I understand  I do believe these are the very things that cause a breakdown in values, life skills and what is important?

There are many things that we have chosen to do away with, no longer placing emphasis on them.  I implore each of us whether we are biological parents or otherwise to take stock of how we operate our environment. We might not have the time but we need to make the time; simply to ensure that the good days where conversation with our children is the order of the day is maintained. Teaching them respect and politeness, sharing family dinner, praying with them and over them. In a nutshell, helping them to create balance in their lives and reinforcing values and principles. We have to impact our environment and know what it is that will allow our children to feel love, security and appreciation so they can flourish in all aspects of their lives.

That is how we will recapture this world and ensure that when we depart they will be good citizens; maintaining their environment and causing the world to be a good place to exist.

If we each play our part, we will begin to see a huge difference in society and how we view each other!

Lots of LOVE & LIGHT as we together make the decision to help our children and a world that is crying out for help!

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